Well October and November were slightly busier than I bargained for! And I sure wish I had some completed projects to show for all my efforts, but alas.
We are
thisclose to finishing the "curb appeal" makeover. A quick "Before" shot:
How's she lookin' so far?
Here's what the windows looked like before:
(Obviously not the same window, but you get the gist!) |
And now:
Those new sconces are a vast improvement, and painting the windows and storm windows made an UN-believable difference. They look so incredibly crisp and clean - I love it! And yes, you will notice that door has been painted.....black. Not very thrilling I know, but after multiple paintings of the door (thats right, multiple. &$*#%&!) I'm ashamed to say I gave up. I'm trying to find some bright and colorful (and cheap) planters for the stoop, in the hopes that will liven things up a tad.
All we have left is:
- finish the mortar on the walkway
- finish painting the storm windows on the dormers (I want to have window boxes up there too - wouldn't that be soooo cute?!?)
- get potted plants for either side of the door
- hang the lamppost sign
So frickin' close!
We are also wrapping up a much-needed overhaul of the screen porch - we've got one weekend's worth of work left (say that 12 times fast!) if all goes as planned. Here's what we were working with:
Totally grody, not to mention the un-inspired color choices. It wasn't even useful, since there were huge holes in the screens - birds could (and did!) fly in and out as they pleased.
Anyways, it's looking damn fine so far. Hopefully I will have some pics after the weekend....