Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why, hello!

Yes, I am still alive, in case you were wondering :) Lots going on around here actually; hopefully I'll get some time in the next few weeks to catch you up!

I'm calling the guest room done.  Come visit, friends!

Mostly small changes, except the bad-ass new curtains (thank you Mom!).  Dunno if you recall, but I was going to attempt a version of these curtains:

Aaand they were actually looking pretty good until they fell into a puddle of dye/water while they were hanging under the deck drying.  That was the end of that.

All's well that ends well though, because the ones Mom made are soooo much better.  The aubergine linen is quite beautiful, and ultimately I think I prefer a crisp line, rather than the ombre.  Too trendy.

Next up: screen porch updates.