I'll just get right to it. Here are some before pics:
View from the "entry" into the dining room |
Don't you just
love the peach walls?! Blecchh.
Here's what we did:
- took down chair rail
- painted ceiling flat white and walls a deep, deep piney green - also flat
- took down heinous fake wood blinds, painted windows matte black and replaced broken window locks
- took down coat closet door, re-painted door and inside of closet, new closet rod, and re-mounted door with new hinges
- added shades to existing chandelier - truth be told, I think it needs to be lowered a bit, but I don't feel quite ready to tackle that yet
- "upholstered" the archway to the entry/living room
- re-located light switches, thermostat, and alarm system on wall in a grouping that made sense, and hung artwork all over that wall to camouflage them
P.S. The wood sculpture is by
my insanely talented brother, and the roman shades are by my wonderful mom.
I'm embarrassed to admit this is a room we don't use that often, but it's the first room you see when you open the front door, and it just makes me giddy.