Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I went to First Fridays this past weekend (for the first time in much too long!) and this guy was totally the highlight for me:

Aren't these amazing?  I usually go for the more abstract stuff, but the huge canvases and vivid, tactile colors just won me over.  On a side note, they also kind of remind me of Hieronymus Bosch, whose paintings have oddly fascinated me ever since that long-ago art history 101 seminar...

Anyways, if only I had a couple grand lying around...

(P.S. Did anyone else dream of winning the lottery after watching The Office last week?  Because I totally did, and was very sad when I woke up.  And I don't even play the lottery!)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Awesome Entry Light? Check.

Remember this project?  Well, I finished the last few touchups today, and it looks pretty darn swell.

The full evolution:
Here's where it all began....

Better, but boring....


Yep, my neck definitely took some abuse for this one, but it was worth it.  I actually didn't paint the fixture base as previously planned - I guess the bright gold is bothering me less now that there's something else to look at up there.  Maybe I'll still end up doing it one day - who knows.  For now, color me happy!